Convert Text into Audio using Notepad and Other ways

These days audio book are getting more popular among us. Audio books are very helpful for us we can these book as modern ways. When we are listening to music then we can use these books and save our time also. These books are easy to carry and use. We don’t need to find any peaceful place and comfortable place for reading our book. We can use these books anywhere and anytime as we want. The most important thing is we don’t need to carry heavy books for our study. For this kind of tasks, we mention the list of website for convert text into audio using notepad.

Convert Text into Audio using Notepad and Other ways

Convert Text into Audio using Notepad

In this article, we are going to show you how to convert the text file into the audio file. We are going to use many tools and for converting text into audio and the best of them is using notepad we don’t need to spend so many times for converting. If you want to listen to your text again then you have to enter text again and again. But don’t worry we have other tools for converting text into audio.

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Convert your text file using Notepad.

Notepad is most common among us and we are bitterly familiar with this application. Notepad is best to text editor tool in windows. Here we are going to create a short program using this application. This program is able to do your task in second and you will convert your text to audio within a second.

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Open Notepad from here press windows button and type Notepad in search and hit enter.


Now copy and paste these lines in your Notepad.

Dim message, sapi
 message = InputBox("A Best Text to Audio converter"+vbcrlf+"From – TELE TRICK MANIA/","Text to Audio converter")
 Set sapi = CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
 sapi.Speak message

Now save this file in .vbs  extension. Default extension is .txt but you have in .vbs.


Now you can move you file as you want and just double click on that file and type your text and click OK.

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Method 2

Convert text into audio using websites.

  1. Text2speech
  2. Fromtexttospeech

There are lots of websites which provide this task. Some of them have limited word to convert and these websites contain more than 4000 words to convert. These are the best online converters and these can be used easily.





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Convert text into audio using software.

Natural readers

There are many applications which can perform this kind of tasks but if we talking about to convert many kinds of files like pdf, doc, web page then these all are mainly not possible on one platform but this tool is proving us to convert all these kind of files in one platform. You can add file and convert your text into audio. The secondly is from the website you can also perform your tasks.

Add file


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Closing words.

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As increasing of audio book these tools are going to help you for many purposes. Personally i am telling you if you want to convert some texts then notepad is very helpful. If you have paragraphs and you are doing copy paste the websites are very helpful. If you have files then Naturalreaders will be very helpful. These are the best ways for converting your text into audio.

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