How to Create Portable Windows To Go USB drive?

One of the most amazing features Microsoft gave us back in Windows 8 and that is Windows To Go. Before Windows 8, only embedded versions of Windows, such as Windows Embedded Standard 7, supported booting from USB storage devices. This feature helps you to carry your entire computer with you in your pocket. It’s a portable Windows desktop environment designed to be plugged into a PC and boot with your USB drive and you will get it back as you left it. Many questions are arising in your mind “is it possible?”, “How to create portable windows to go USB drive?” and “what about security?”

How to create portable windows to go USB Drive?

How to create portable windows to go USB Drive?

In this article your all queries will short-out and you are able to continue with Windows To Go USB Drive. This feature is available in the Enterprises version of Windows 8. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have enterprises version of Windows 8 nor have certified flash drive. But don’t to get worried, here we have many tools like window 7 USB/DVD tool, Rufus etc. And there doesn’t matter what version of windows you have. Reported restrictions of some unofficial versions include unavailability of BitLocker protection, no access to the Windows Store, and inability to boot on both BIOS and UEFI machines.

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This process allows you to run live windows with USB Drive, which function like Live Linux from USB Drive. This can boot on any computer with your USB Drive.

Read More:- 11 Best Tools for Creating USB Bootable in Windows and Linux

What is a window to go?

Windows To Go is designed to run on a portable such as a USB Flash Drive or external drive. This feature is available is the version of Windows 8.1 Enterprise and higher. Windows To GO allow you to run your windows operating system in live mode with USB drive. It works on any computer.

These methods work in all capable windows to create portable Windows To Go USB drive


  1. An ISO file or CD-Rom of the installation of Windows 8, 8.1,10. As you want to use as live windows.
  2. Rufus one of the best software for creating USB drives bootable or here we can use command line creating bootable.
  3. A USB drive or external Drive at least 25GB (as Microsoft recommended). UGI x Tools: Download and instead this is your system. If you are using certified USB Drive you don’t need this Tool.

Now we have all things for starting our Task.

Make Bootable your USB learn using Rufus. Sometimes it feels to make bootable but doesn’t worry we have other ways.

Read More:- Make bootable with multiple ISO file in one Bootable USB Disk.


Run RUFUS and select your USB drive.

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Select position and target system type and file system and then choose ISO image by browsing the ISO file.




Click on start and then wait for completing your task.

Read More:- How to make bootable USB drive in Windows?

Make bootable with the command line.


Click on start button and type CMD and Right click on it and then click on Run as Administrator and then click on yes.


The command prompt will open and type Diskpart and hit Enter. And wait for the run this utility in Windows.



  Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt

 --------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---

  Disk 0    Online          298 GB      0 B

  Disk 1    Online           29 GB      0 B


Disk 1 is now the selected disk.


DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk.


DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition.


  100 percent completed

DiskPart successfully formatted the volume.


DiskPart marked the current partition as active.


Leaving DiskPart...



This command helps you to create your USB Drive bootable.


Right click on the iso file and then click on the mount the drive. You can extract your ISO file using Winrar.


Open GImageX. It easy to use because of its graphical user interface.


Got to apply tab and click on Browser of the source and navigate to the sources folder on your mount or extracted and select install.WIM and then click on Apply.




Now, wait for task completing and then you able to Run your windows live as Linux live.



This method can be done in Windows 10.

Read More:- 10 Best Antivirus protection software for PC

Creating a portable Windows with Windows To Go


When the download is complete, then right click on iso file. and then select MOUNT ISO. The ISO file appears as a disk drive on your computer.


Select the Settings, and then select Control Panel.


In Control Panel, select Windows To Go.


Insert a USB Drive.

NOTES: –The USB drive must have at least 25gigabytes (GB) of space available. Make sure to remove any files on the USB drive that you want to save. The USB drive will be reformatted, and all data will be deleted when you provision it.

Read More:- UEFI Firmware not showing in Advance Option?: How will it Show

Create a Portable Windows by creating Windows To Go workspace.

  1. On the Choose the drive you want to use page, all attached USB drives appear. Choose the USB drive you want to use, and then select Next."<yoastmark
  2. Choose a Windows 10 image file, the mounted .iso file appears. If you don’t see the .iso file, select Add search location to choose the mounted .iso file. Select the file, and then select Next.

    Choose a Windows 10 image.

    Choose a Windows 10 image.

  1. On the Ready to create your Windows To Go workspace, select Create to create the Windows To Go workspace.

    Ready to create your Windows.

    Ready to create your Windows.

The USB drive is reformatted and all data is deleted. This process typically takes few minutes. The Choose a boot options page appears when the process completes.

  1. Choose a boot (startup) option, and select Yes to modify the Windows Boot Manager configuration to boot automatically from your Windows To Go workspace when the drive is connected to this host computer. Otherwise, choose No when you want to fix it manually. You can change it after chosen Yes. At last click on Save and close.

    Choose a boot (startup) option,and select Yes.

    Choose a boot (startup) option, and select Yes.

NOTE: –To change the boot option after running the Create a Windows To Go workspace wizard, on the Start menu search for Change Windows To Go Startup Options, and then select the boot option you prefer on the Change Windows To Go Startup Options page.

  1. When provisioning is complete, select Save and restart to restart the host computer.Save and restart

When you boot the Windows To Go drive for the first time, you are prompted to create a local administrator account and then log on with this account. If you want, you can add your domain user account to the local administrator’s group. Then you can log on for full access to business data, email, and resources.

Read More:- Make Dual boot Remix OS with windows in two ways.
Using a USB drive that has not been certified is not supported

If you are facing the problem like this then you should try with these.

IronKey Workspace W700 (

IronKey Workspace W500 (

Kingston DataTraveler Workspace for Windows To Go (

Spyrus Portable Workplace (

We recommend that you run the Spyrus Deployment Suite for Windows To Go to provision the Spyrus Portable Workplace.

Spyrus Secure Portable Workplace (

Read More:- How to fix Error code 0xc0000225. “Windows fails to start”.

How to boot from your Windows To Go USB?

Before starting your task you need to know that your computer BIOS is set to boot from on external USB (flash drive).

Remember: – When your system will Reboot then it may not boot with USB drive. Because In your system’s boot manager USB drive is not set first boot priority option. So go to system boot manager from BIOS option (Basic input/output system).

For the instant, the F9 key gets to the boot menu, the F12 key can bring boot menu in Dell and Lenovo, the ESC key will bring boot menu in HP and Asus otherwise try F2 key. It may vary from you system

Closing Words

These all are the easy and useful methods for creating portable Windows To Go USB drive. You can easily create Windows go to in your PC or Laptop. We provide the good methods for that easy steps for creating portable Windows To Go USB drive. Windows To Go is a complete Windows operating system on a USB flash drive as live Linux. Windows To Go Creator Wizard is alternative of WinToUSB and allows you to install & run Windows on a USB drive as live windows.

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