How to increase your Blog or Website Traffic?

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Many new and old bloggers left the blogging for just a reason because they won’t get the result what they are willing for and many of them are who spend a year and don’t see any result in their improvisation. Many of them won’t follow these steps so they won’t get the traffic for what they were looking for. And if you are looking for the free blog traffic generator then here is a free guide how to increase blog traffic. Many users want to get more readers on their website or blog. Some of them are using blog traffic generator tool by paying money. Personally, I don’t recommend to use buy traffic on their website or blog.

How to increase your Blog Traffic?

How to Increase your Blog Traffic?

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How any New website’s get the Traffic what they want?

Many ways are there which help a user to get the traffic as much as the network you have you get the traffic. Means there are many sources through which you can get the like social media, search engine, referral content these are some of the best networks that help you get the traffic. These are best social media that help you for the promotion of your website. We should always look and work for the source for generating blog traffic source or websites.

  1. Twitter
  2. Facebook
  3. Pinterest
  4. Google +

Why we should use social media and why it’s popular among the networking because it is easy to understand and easy to spread, if the content were not focused on the specific time it will focus in future.

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How to get more Blog Traffic?

For getting traffic these are some knowingly tips to any blog. Which help you to get the traffic on the level.


You must follow the top blogger and must be updated about their topic what they publish and with that, you can comment and became top commenters of the specific topic. But not only the comment with your comment you will notify your website name through which you will get more traffic, for your website.

  1. You can use another network like Facebook and Twitter.
  • Facebook is a top most extreme network among the entire network because it is easy to understand and easily you can share the content among many people in a short period of time. You can promote all the post among the groups and pages easily by that the content was easily got by many of the people, through this you get 1000 of the traffic in a short period of time. So never neglect the Facebook in traffic section. You may suffer from in starting but when you get promoting your content and stable on Facebook it became easy to spread the content.

  • Twitter is also becoming the best place for the promoting your content easily. Here you can follow the top blogger and their follower when you tweet the new article asking for your follower to re-tweet it.
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  1. Get your time on writing best article

It never happens that you get the better traffic without giving any extra effort. You must be different and unique from other to get success, it takes you to create content. I advise that you wouldn’t spend all the time in working on the less effective article. Instead on that spend the time to create content with having grate content. Your article must contain 1000+15000 words in a once and you get the more attention of the reader. It very important to create an attractive article regularly to be in a blog world. They can bring you in GOOGLE Rank. Articles should be include photo.

  1. Attention on SEO for your blog traffic.

Many of the users say you to not worry about the SEO and get attention in writing, but I say it is the dumbest suggestion, you must focus on what the keyword and density you should maintain to get search engine traffic to your blog. It’s very important to get search engine traffic to your blog. Because it’s independently and easy to understand and use too. Make sure that the keyword use in the article was easy to understand and readers can digest it. And have a proper keyword before writing the article, then engage the keyword into

And have a proper keyword before writing the article, then engage the keyword into the post you better understand SEO when you work on it. At last, I say to share and promote your blogs among the different network. By sharing of the posts on networks the content sooner or later gets the attention it reader find it useful, so focus on building your network by blog commenting, writing the great word and never forget social media networking.

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8 thoughts on “How to increase your Blog or Website Traffic?

  1. Ramen

    If you really need to teach people about Traffic and SEO then you need to learn yourself first.
    Serious, do you need to tell people to use FB and Twitter? Who doesn’t know that?

    1. Aashirvad Kumar

      Dear Ramen,
      According to me and other SEO Experts, Social medias are playing the vital role in growing traffic. You can increase traffic by Joining the group, making the page, and peoples are sharing your content on FB or twitter.

    2. Nishant Bhakta

      If you and i have reached here, it means his SEO strategy is working.
      B.T.W, Ritik sharma, great post.
      I am new to blogging and i am lacking the social part in SEO. I am sharing the post on social media but it looks like no one is interested in the type of post (blogging and programming) i am writing.

  2. Ramesh

    Hi Ritik,

    I totally agree with you that to get things started you can take help of social networking platforms for initial traffic. But that is not just enough. You will have to work on link building process as well and many other things.

    Thanks for sharing! Loved it!


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