Installing OS with USB Disk is common these days, and it’s easy to use. Using USB Disk for installation and updating your OS is the easiest way to use than another thing for installing or updating. USB Disk installation is beneficial because installation from USB works quickly, easy to carry installation disk, safer than other device and many more things. Previous days many of our readers ask the question to me. Is it possible to make multi-boot USB Disk with many iso files? And now the answer is- Yes, you can do this, and now we are going to discuss this topic in this article. This article is helpful for all who wants to make multi-boot Flash Drive/USB Disk. There are many tools which help you make your USB Disk multi-boot with multi iso file. These tools make easy to put multi iso file and create bootable USB drive.

Make Multiboot USB
Whatever, using multiple iso files in one bootable USB drive personally, I can’t understand why the peoples are doing this and what they need to do. And the things which you need to know, i.e., you are breaking some license agreement with Microsoft unless you have some site-license with Microsoft. Using USB Disk for installing your operating system or another thing with bootable USB is a good idea but when you are using multiple OS in one bootable USB Disk, then it is painful because it will slow down your installation process will installing an operating system. So here I ask you to use Live CD for doing maintenance of computer from outside of the computer with the own operating system. Live CD is specially designed for performing these kinds of tasks.
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However, we are talking about multiple iso files in one bootable USB Disk. So move to next step, and before starting your task, we should know about our helping applications which are going to help us and make our tasks easy. These are many tools available in the market, but here we discuss some special and most used tools. And they are:-
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You can also use other tools which you know like Winsetup from USB. This is also a nice tool but here not possible to describe all tools.
How to create MultiBoot USB Disk or Multiple ISO File in one Bootable USB Disk?
Here we are going to use first XBoot tool.
The XBoot is a user friendly utility which is easy to use for creating Multiboot USB Disk with multiple iso files. The XBoot creates multi-boot USB in few clicks and Steps are below. How to use XBoot to create multi-boot USB Disk.
Step 1
Download and run XBoot V5.1 beta14.exe.
Step 2
XBoot windows will open and then just drop and down the iso files in XBoot.
Step 3
And then click on Create USB and in next pop-up window it will ask you to select your USB Disk and then choose any of them file recommended here Grub4Dos is selected then click OK. At last, your task will start.

Select USB and File format

Task in progress
Creating multi-boot USB Disk with XBoot is completed and your USB Disk is ready to boot with multi Distributions.
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Yumi is called the mother of all bootable USB creator. But what the truth is personally I don’t know how much true it is. But I can tell you one thing Yumi is going to help us very much as we required. Because it supports many iso files with their compatibility like antivirus rescue and cleanup and anymore thing. Let us move to steps.
Step 1
Plug your USB Disk to make it bootable with multiple iso files.
Step 2
Download and run Yumi with administrator privilege. It will ask for “agree” to same term and condition before the start.
Step 3
Yumi asks you to select your removal disk first and then select the name of distribution which you want to use and the next step browser your iso file of selected distribution and at last click on create.
Step 4
When you clicked on create then a warning message will appear as the pop-up, and it will ask you to make sure to make bootable with that particular USB Disk and name of that operating system. And click on Yes.

Browse iso file

Click on yes

Task in progress

Step 5
When your first iso is completed, then it will ask to add more isos to make bootable after clicking on next. And in Yumi pop-up, if you want to add more iso then choose yes and then it will start from the beginning.

Add more iso
Now when you restart your system make sure your first boot priority is USB Disk then bootable after clicking on next. And in Yumi pop-up, if you want to add more iso then choose yes and then it will start from the beginning.
Now when you restart your system make sure your first boot priority is USB Disk then Yumi boot menu will load with the list of all available operating system/distributors.
We have completed our task with the second application in windows and that is really easy to use.
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MultibootUSB is the most popular application for creating multi-boot USB Disk. It is a portable application which allows you to make your USB Disk multi-boot with the multi-boot USB 7.5.exe. It doesn’t need to install in your system. Let us move to steps.
Step 1
Insert your USB Disk and run multiboot USB.
Step 2
Select your USB Disk and then browse your iso file and then click create and it will ask for persistence size and here choose as you want Distribution required and then click on choose.

MultibootUSB start

persistence size
Step 3
It will show you the review of your selected device with distribution iso file. And then click on yes to start your task.


Task in progress
Step 4
In next step, you have to start from the beginning and don’t worry before starting it from beginning to create multi-boot. It will not delete your previous iso file which is extracted.

Multi ISO file selected
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Close words
These all tools help you to make your USB Disk multiboot. Personally, I recommend you to use XBoot and MultibootUSB to create your USB Disk multiboot. These two tools are best for this task and most popular for this kind of task. And the USB Disk is recommended minimum 4GB of and higher as you want to use your distribution.
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