Best 7 Tools for wifi hacking in Kali Linux

Kali Linux is the most popular operating system for hacking and these days “How to Hack Wifi is become most searched keyword on the internet. Previous days I receive lots of messages related tools for wifi hacking. Most of the peoples want to learn this technique because sometimes we get several wifi signals and want to use free of cost. But personally, I suggest you “Don’t use free wifi for your personal use” it may not safe and you will be harmed by others. Whatever here is the list of tools for wifi hacking in kali Linux.

Best 7 Tools for wifi hacking in Kali Linux

Best 7 Tools for wifi hacking in Kali Linux

Whatever, here we are talking about wifi hacking tool for kali Linux and how these tools are going to help you in wifi hacking and how to prevent from being hacked. These tools can help you in testing your wifi router to find the potential security issues. Many of us don’t know that lots of routers manufactured and ISPs are still turning on WPS by default on their routers which makes the wireless security and penetration testing an even more important and these are very helpful that time. These tools are going to be very helpful and you will able to test your network.

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Tools for wifi hacking in Kali Linux.


Aircrack-ng is most famous and used hacking tool for WPA/WPA2/WEP cracking in kali Linux. It performs brute force attack and dictionary attacks. It is a complete suite of tools which contain Aircrack-ng for wireless password cracking, Airplay-ng to generate traffic and client de-authentication, Airodump-ng packet capturing and Airbase-ng to configure fake access point.

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Wireshark is most famous network security analysing tools available online, it is also known as Ethereal, Which is an open source network protocol analyser or commonly referred to as sniffer application. It captures packets in real time and displays in human readable format. It analyses the network and sees what happening inside. Apart from kali Linux, it is also available for windows and MAC.


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How anyone can forget about this tool. This is one of the best tools for cracking the password. This tool use brute force attack against WPS Pins, so it can recover the WPS/WPA2 passphrase. If you trying this tool then you need good signal strength to the wireless router together with the right configuration.




Pixiewps is a relatively new tool include with kali Linux and it uses for the offline brute forcing of WPS PINs while exploiting the low or non-existing. It is also called pixie dust attack. It is modified version of Reaver and Wifite.

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Wifite is a user-friendly tool for cracking the password for the wireless network. It’s easy to work with this tool for their users. It attacks multiple wireless networks encrypted with WEP/WPA/WPA2 and WPS. It will capture WPA handshakes, automatically de-authenticate connected client, spoof mac address and save the crack passwords. When you using this tool then it will use fake authentication and uses the ARP method to speed up data packets.



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oclHashcat is able to do brute-force and dictionary attack at a time. It is also used for password recovery with advanced ways. The user can use its source code for modifying it. You can go through its own wiki for more information about its attack. This is another best tool for wifi hacking in kali Linux.



Ferm Wifi Cracker

It is used to crack and recover WEP/WPA/WPS keys and it is Graphic User Interface application which helps the user to work easily with it. Ferm wifi Cracker is written in python language. It is a wireless security auditing cum attack software program.

Ferm Wifi Cracker

Ferm Wifi Cracker

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Warning: – This article is only for educational purpose. So, don’t try to harm another and don’t break the rules or laws and perform your tasks under your knowledge otherwise you breach the cyber Law and you will have to face many problems. Tele Trick Mania doesn’t promote malicious and unethical practices.

Closing Word

These are tools which help you to recover your keys of WPA/WPA2/WPS keys. Most of them are not easy to use at the first time. You should understand we are talking about cracking the password of wifi network so it is not easy also. Before using these tools be careful and make sure you can work with this tool.

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Best 7 Tools for wifi hacking in Kali Linux from Hacking_Tutorials

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