The Best Online Games and Offline Games You Should Play

Games have come a long way from their humble beginnings. Back in the day, they didn’t look like much but they were fun to play. The graphics didn’t matter much anyway if the game was running smoothly. Fast forward to today, and video games have become lifelike in visual terms and rely on a driven story and explosive gameplay.

Best Online Games and Offline Games

The Best Online Games and Offline Games You Should Play

Not all studios today pump out games that incorporate all three elements. Some put accent on graphics and others focus on the story. The progress, however, is evident in the past few decades. There are great titles online and offline most gamers should definitely play.

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The Best Online Games


Online games are all the rage these days. The younger population loves playing titles such as Fortnite and PUBG. Before they were even born, however, pioneers such as DOTA built the MMORPG genre on their own. Based on Warcraft 3, DOTA and its sequel DOTA 2 are still among the most popular MMORPGs after a decade.

The idea behind them was to create a PVP environment with already existing heroes in the game. From a simple map, the game grew into one of the most popular online games ever. DOTA 2 took that up to a new level and elevated the popularity of MMORPG online games to a new level.

Online Casino Games

Games of luck and games of skill have been available online since the 90s. In their essence, casino games are games that people from all over the world enjoy playing. Classics like poker, blackjack, and roulette are available on every casino website. Moreover, the websites offering these games are packed with bonuses and great rewards so you won’t only have fun but you’ll also have a chance to earn that big prize.

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Online Multiplayer Shooters (FPS)

Prizes in all online games come in all shapes and sizes. Counter-Strike Global Offensive features various gear and skins for that gear as prizes. Before it became the global phenomenon that it is today, Counter-Strike was just another multiplayer FPS.

Nowadays, it’s a game that has a spot on every list of shooter games to play. In it, you can play as either a terrorist or a counter-terrorist and the goal is to kill the other team. The maps vary but the objective stays the same. The best part about the game is that you can play it online with friends and offline with bots.

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When it comes to multiplayer shooters, none of them would exist if it weren’t for Quake. It’s still going strong after all those years. The concept is simple: you’re a soldier sent to the enemy alien base and you have to destroy them. Of course, you can do that with several weapons that inflict low or massive damage to your foes. Fun, right?

Quake is notable for the introduction of the popular deathmatch mode which also found its way on other popular titles such as Unreal Tournament. It completely reshaped the multiplayer game industry into the monster it is today.

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The Best Offline Single Player Games

FPS Shooters

Shooters are fun when they’re playing online. However, many players prefer substance over style or in this case, want a good storyline instead of shooting foes up to the sky. Although many single-player games had great stories in the beginnings of the 1990s, the one that really made the step forward was Half-Life in 1998.

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An ageless classic and one of the first video games to bind the story and fun gameplay together, the Valve-developed pioneer FPS is one of the greatest video games ever made. After a long wait, the sequel Half-Life 2 took things up a notch, introducing a new way of controlling the environment that inspired popular titles later.

With Half-Life, Valve revolutionized the industry and paved the way for numerous successful video game titles in the future.

Read More:- Best MADFINGER Games List for Android & iPhone.


RPGs and stories are always a good match. The Elder Scrolls franchise illustrates just how good single-player RPGs can be. They’ve managed to bring that quality in all of their titles. Players can create their own character and follow the main story or go through side quests. If you don’t feel like completing any kind of quests, then you can freely explore any place you want to.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a story-driven RPG then you should give Planescape: Torment a try. For a game that came out in 1999, it has pretty interesting visuals that will get your attention. In this game, you take control of a character known as the Nameless One. The character is immortal and has lived through a thousand lives.

After the character’s death, the Nameless One wakes up in a mortuary living another life with no recollection of his past. This amnesia makes you explore the world in search of answers. The game has all the classic elements of an RPG such as character points and companions, but the story is the element that will blow your mind.

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Read More:- List of Best PVP Games for PC | PVP Multiplayer Games |

Real-Time Strategies (RTS)

Finally, strategy games don’t get much attention today but back in the day, there were some pretty interesting titles. The Age of Empires franchise is a perfect example of this. You can play the main story with different nations and build an army to crush your opponents. Or, you know – just crush any nation that stands in your way using the custom game option.

Closing Words

Another great strategy game you can try out is Red Alert. It’s set during the Cold War period and you can play as either the Allied Nations or the Soviet Union. The campaign mode enables you to conquer the world with both superpowers. What makes this game unique are the cutscenes where real actors that talk directly to the player.

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